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Guest Policies

CHET-SE Welcomes Guests!

In an effort to ensure that all CHET-SE events, including physical education, field trips, youth events, enrichment classes, and other activities are a wholesome, encouraging, and safe environment for all CHET-SE members and their guests, we ask our guests to read and abide by our Dress Code and Behavior Guidelines.

If guests are not members of CHET-SE, they must bring the Permission and Release form signed by their parent in order to attend any non-PE event. 

Guests and/or visitors participating in PE must complete a PE Registration form (also available at the PE check-in table on Friday mornings) and are limited to ONE free visit to PE before registration is required.

  • Membership in CHET-SE is required to participate in the PE program. The ONLY exception to this is as follows: If a CHET-SE member is a caregiver for a PreK-aged child (ages 4-5 years only) then the board may permit the child to participate in the PE program. The member should contact the board with this request.  If granted, the child's parent should complete the PE registration form, including the Permission and Release Form. This permission would only apply for the academic year before the child would begin Kindergarten.

Guests are limited to three visitations as guests of CHET-SE (which can include one free visit to PE).  After three visits, they must apply for membership to continue attendance at any CHET-SE event.