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CHET-SE Dress Code, Conduct, & Guest Guidelines

In an effort to ensure that all CHET-SE events, including physical education, field trips, youth events, enrichment classes, and other activities are a wholesome, encouraging, and safe environment for all of the children and adults who are involved, we ask that each family please read and discuss the following General Dress Code and Conduct Guidelines with your child/children.

The Christian home school support group is a unique and distinctive social setting. CHET-SE believes that a Christian’s appearance and conduct is a demonstrative part of his or her testimony, should reflect Biblical standards, and should at all times be pleasing to God and uncompromising of our Christian values. How an individual behaves and dresses also reflects the philosophy and standards of the group it represents. We wish to convey through our membership a message of obedience to God’s Word.

I Corinthians 10:31-33 states: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God--even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved."

Therefore, it is in this spirit that CHET-SE asks all members and their guests at CHET-SE sponsored events to abide by the following established guidelines:

  1. Dress Code Guidelines

  • Shorts length should not be shorter than mid-thigh (halfway between top of leg and knee).

  • Dress/Skirt length should not be shorter than 4 inches above the top of the knee.

  • Tops should cover the midriff, including when the arms are raised. Sheer, low cut, or strapless dresses and tops are not acceptable, nor are spaghetti straps or backless tops. Sleeveless tops must cover the bra straps.

  • Undergarments should be covered at all times.

  • Shirts should not have inappropriate slogans, words, or pictures.

  • Boys' and girls' swimsuits should be modest. See-through, low-cut, or high-cut, swimsuits are not acceptable. Swimsuits should only be worn at swim parties and no other activities.

  • For PE – Participants should wear running shoes, loose-fitting shorts or pants, and appropriate tee shirts as outlined above. Costumes of any kind are not allowed at any time.

Agreement: I will dress in accordance with the General Dress Guidelines, wearing clothing which is the proper length and fit, without obscene or repulsive writing or depictions.

…whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1Cor 10:31

…do not imitate what is evil, but what is good…3 John 11

…I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly…1 Tim 2:9

  1. Conduct Guidelines

We should strive to build up and encourage one another in our conversations and actions. In all that we do, we desire to develop and maintain a reputation that encourages attendance at our events as well as an environment where everyone feels loved and accepted. To that end, we require all parents and students to abide by the following guidelines:

  • Parents are responsible for the conduct of their children at all times.

  • Students may carry cell phones at CHET-SE events, but phones must remain in a pocket or bag. Exceptions: using the phone to take pictures OR to contact a parent.

  • Students’ and families’ behavior and dress should conform to the belief that God immutably creates each person as male or female and that dating/courtship, being a precursor to marriage, should be between one male and one female. There should be no behavior that would indicate that an individual either desires to be a gender other than his/her genetic sex or is romantically attracted to someone of his/her own genetic sex.

  • No profanity, vulgar language, coarse jesting, bullying or demeaning comments shall be used at any time.

  • No hitting, slapping, pushing, biting, scratching, etc. will be tolerated.

  • During group activities, parents are expected to supervise their children and to correct harmful and/or negative behavior immediately. Furthermore, all adults are expected to be watchful of all children and to be proactive in helping correct inappropriate behavior as needed.

  • For those events where parents are not present, children who behave inappropriately during an activity will be gently corrected by the adult in charge. Parents will be notified of discipline problems and expected to support the leader by speaking with the child regarding their behavior.

  • If there is a problem, please address the child and parent(s) directly at the time of the incident (Matthew 18: 15-16). Resolution is most effectively reached when both parties act immediately after the incident occurs.

  • An adult does not have to personally witness an incident. A report from one or more students concerning inappropriate conversation or behavior is sufficient. In such a situation an adult leader will gently remove the student from the event and wait with the student until his/her parents arrive to pick him/her up. 

- These Guidelines may be amended at any time. 

- CHET-SE reserves the right to suspend students from CHET-SE events and/or activities if a pattern of inappropriate
   behavior persists.


  1. I will be encouraging to others during PE, after PE, and at all CHET-SE events. I will not do or say anything to intentionally hurt someone else’s feelings.
    · Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification… Eph 4:29

  2. I will be respectful of all adults at CHET-SE events. This means that I will stop talking when an adult is talking to me or a group of people, when someone is praying, or when my PE coach is giving me instructions.
    · You young men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another…1 Pet 5:5
  3. I will use appropriate language at all times at CHET-SE events.
    · …there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting… Eph 5:4
    · …put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth. Col 3:8
  4. If I have a conflict with another person, I will bring the issue directly to my brother or sister in Christ without involving others first. I will seek restoration for concerns and offenses in an edifying way. If I am unable to resolve the issue, I will seek assistance in pursuing the remaining processes of Mt 18:15-17 to full resolution.
    · Matt 18:15-17
  5. I will try at all times to treat other people the way that I would like to be treated.
    · Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31
  6. I agree to follow the CHET-SE Conduct Guidelines while in attendance at CHET-SE events.
    · Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. Romans 13:1a

I understand that if I do not follow these guidelines, I will be dismissed from an activity.

  1. Bringing Guests to CHET-SE Events

  • If guests are not members of CHET-SE, they must bring a release form and Waiver, Release, and Indemnification Agreement in order to attend any event. These release forms can be obtained on our website or from the PE Registration table on Fellowship Fridays. Only a single release form per school year is needed because they are kept on file. Guests participating in P.E. must also complete a PE Registration form. The form is available online or at the PE Registration table.
  • Visitors are limited to three visits as guests of CHET-SE. After three visits they must apply for membership to continue attendance at any CHET-SE event.
  • Membership in CHET-SE is required in order to participate in the PE program. The ONLY exception to this is as follows: If a CHET-SE member is a caregiver for a PreK aged child (ages 4-5 years only) then the board may give permission for this child to participate in the PE program. The member should contact the board with this request. If granted, the child's parent should complete the PE registration form, including the Permission and Release Form. This permission would only apply for the academic year before the child would begin Kindergarten.
  • If your children are in the 6th grade or above they will need to review the Youth Dress Code and Guidelines for CHET-SE Youth Events.


Modified 07/14/2020